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Chris Knox

Professor Dollieslager

English 111-24W

13 December 2016

Critical thinking journal #1


Henry Ford was born on July 30th, 1863 in Dearborn Michigan, and died in 1947. He was married to Clara Ala Bryant in 1888. ("Henry Ford Biography.") He went on to work for the Edison illuminating Company, were in his free time he built his first proto-type car. Not long after he started the Ford Motor Company, which revolutionized how to produce cars.  He is most known for the use of the moving assembly line and implementing an interchangeable part system. These improvements to the assembly line, enabled the Ford Motor Company to be the first to mass-produced a car, named the Model T.  (

   Henry ford was once quoted saying, “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right”. What I think this means is your only limitations to accomplishing your goals are of those you put upon yourself, and if you believe in yourself you can accomplish anything. Having a positive attitude can greatly increase your chances of success.  Alternatively, having a negative attitude can drastically reduce your production and even hinder learning.

Henry Ford demonstrated this belief when tackling the monumental challenge of producing affordable cars and changing the way people travel. Before the production of the model T, the horse and carriage were the normal forms of transportation aside from a few very expensive early automobiles. With this in mind, he developed a system of low cost, fast, and efficient production. This assembly line production allowed for the average consumer to afford a car, which was key to the rise of the Ford Motor Company which still sells cars today. ("Henry Ford."2016)

I have experienced this truth nearly every day. For example, if I wake up in a bad mood I am much more likely to resist the things I need to accomplish for that day. When I wake up and have a positive attitude I am much more productive and can enjoy my day more. I have also noticed my ability to learn new things is greatly reduced when I have a poor attitude. So I believe that Henry Ford was correct when he said “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right”




Works Cited Editors. “Henry Ford Biography.” The website. 8 July 2014. Web 08 Sept. 2016.

<> Staff. "Henry Ford.", 2009. Web. 08 Dec. 2016.


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